Light Revolution 400 Black.png

                                     making the ordinary extraordinary


Vegetation Test

Dried Plant Specimens

A further test of the capabilities of the Light Revolution LR4 System as a scientific tool was arranged to photograph some dried specimens of plants with three different light sources, including a Kino Flo Diva 21 LED panel and two Dedo DLED4 heads mounted at different heights above the subject. The lights were mounted on to the rotating arms and a complete 360 degree rotation of each light was used using a 6 second exposure to capture the images below resulting in a range of effects from a very evenly lit record shot using the Kino Flo Panel through to two more dramatic and highly detailed images revealing the plant’s structure using the Dedo heads

To see more detail click on any image and it will open in a separate light box


Dried Flowers




Tree Fern